Malt Conversions

In general (round numbers), 1 pound grain = .75 pound LME = .60 pound DME

Note that this is base grain as in two row, specialty grains usually have less yield and are used in small amounts compared to the base. The darker the malt the less the yield. No conversion for specialty grains is specified here.

This document is intended to be quick and dirty but there are very detailed articles on the web that explain things like malt extract to all grain conversion.

Malt Extract Conversions

LME to DME, multiply by .86

DME to LME, multiply by 1.17

Most of us who are concerned with extract conversions are extract brewers, so here's a couple of examples:

Recipe calls for 18 pounds of LME but we have DME:

(18 lb. LME) x (.86) = 15.5lb DME

Recipe calls for 14 pounds of DME but we have LME:

(14 lb. DME) x (1.17) = 16.4lb LME (round to 16.5)

Malt Extract to Grain Conversion

LME to Grain, multiply LME by 1.3

DME to Grain, multiply DME by 1.6

* LME = Liquid Malt Extract

* DME = Dry Malt Extract

* Grain - Most base grain such as two row or Maris Otter

Prepared by Rick Reineman based on a variety of published information.