Mickes Grove Picnic

Micke Grove Park 11793 N. Micke Grove Rd., Lodi, CA, United States

+ Club Spring Picnic  - May 11th  - Mickey Grove Park, Calaveras Pavilion (next to History Museum)  - Set up begins at 9 am

August 10th Picnic

This Saturday, August 10th, is our monthly meeting. Jenny will be hosting the meeting: We’ll be serving tri-tip and Rick’s famous marinated shrimp. Please bring appetizers and side dishes. Please plan on arriving around 12:00pm. A few of us will... Continue Reading →

Pubcrawl October 5th

The first stop will be Moonraker Millhouse (https://www.moonrakerbrewing.com/millhouse). The second stop will be Boring Rose Brewing Co (https://www.boringrose.com/). We will be having lunch at Boring Rose. Then off to our third stop at Bike Dog Brewing East Sac (https://bikedogbrewing.com/east-sac-taproom/) The... Continue Reading →